News from RouteWare (Archive, 1999-2024)
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1-Sep-2023 RW Net 4.44
.NET 7 added
Geobarriers added (see blog)
25-Jun-2023 RouteFinder 6.06
Primarily a bug fix release
5-Mar-2023 RW Net 4.43
Various minor bug fixes
3-Mar-2023 MITAB 1.7.1
With several fixes
20-Feb-2023 RouteFinder 6.05
New cluster method & bug fixes
7-Feb-2023 OS Highways Converter 2.00
Major update with more detailed vehicle restrictions
31-Jan-2023 RW Studio 2.06
Compiled against latest versions of libraries etc.
27-Oct-2022 OS Highways Converter 1.13
Bug fix release
18-Oct-2022 OSM Converter 1.19
Updated version
29-Jun-2022 OS Highways Converter 1.12
Minor update
24-Jun-2022 Open Road April 2022 (UK)
Latest release compiled into an easy to use format
24-May-2022 RW Net 4.42
.NET Core specific version etc.
3-Mar-2022 RW Net 4.41
GeoPackage support, improved route-pairs calculation, GDA 2020 support etc.
29-Jan-2022 RouteFinder 6.04
Minor fixes
14-Jun-2021 RW Net 4.40
Minor fixes
12-Jun-2021 RouteFinder 6.03 - build 14
Minor fixes
11-Jan-2021 RW Net 4.39
Alternative routes, EFAL support etc.
4-Jan-2021 New prices
Most prices has been updated to reflect a subscription-oriented setup
12-Sep-2020 RW Net 4.38
Various updates
25-May-2020 RouteFinder 6.03
Bug fixes, various improvements
15-Apr-2020 TomTom Converter 2.03
GDAL 2-3 compatible
4-Apr-2020 RW Net 4.37
Bug fixes
29-Nov-2019 RW Net 4.36
Bug fixes
25-Nov-2019 RouteFinder 6.02
Fixed codepage related issues
12-Nov-2019 OS Highways converter 1.10
Support for speed files
30-Oct-2019 RouteFinder 6.01
Mostly bug fixes
13-Oct-2019 OS Highways converter 1.09
Bug fixes
11-Aug-2019 New web hosting company
We have moved our website to a new hosting company and at the same time cleaned up with website, so various old and outdated content has been removed.
6-Aug-2019 RW Net 4.35
Various updates and bug fixes
2-Jul-2019 RouteFinder 6.00
New major release
3-Mar-2019 RW Net 4.34
Bug fixes
10-Feb-2019 RouteFinder 5.16
Bug fix
19-Jan-2019 RouteFinder 5.15
Bug fixes
9-Jan-2019 RW Net 4.33
Bug fixes, performance improvements
12-Nov-2018 RouteFinder 5.14
Bug fixes
31-Oct-2018 RW Studio 2.03
Minor updates
16-Oct-2018 OS Highways Converter 1.06
GML2 output
18-Sep-2018 RW Net 4.32
Several new features, bug fixes etc.
19-Aug-2018 RouteFinder 5.13 for MapInfo
Minor fix
21-Jun-2018 RW Net 4.31
Mostly bug fixes
11-Jun-2018 RouteFinder 5.12 for MapInfo
Minor fix
1-Jun-2018 RW NetServer 3.23
Updated clients
19-Apr-2018 RouteFinder 5.11 for MapInfo
Minor fixes
22-Mar-2018 ToolBox 1.10
Updated for 32/64-bit
14-Mar-2018 RouteFinder 5.10 for MapInfo
Bug fixes
5-Mar-2018 RW Net 4.30
Performance improvements, bug fixes etc.
14-Dec-2017 RouteFinder 5.09 for MapInfo
A few improvements and bug fixes
12-Dec-2017 TomTom Converter 2.00
64-bit, much faster processing
8-Dec-2017 RW Net 4.29
Bug fixes, new functions etc.
28-Nov-2017 FleetEngine 1.15
A few new features
2-Oct-2017 RouteFinder 5.08 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
8-Sep-2017 OS Highways Converter 1.05
Slope calculation, optional reversing of one-ways
24-Aug-2017 RW Studio 2.01
Bug fix release - related to license file handling
12-Jul-2017 RW Net 4.28
Bug fix release
1-Jul-2017 RouteFinder 5.07 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
26-May-2017 RW Studio 2
Final release
11-May-2017 ITN Converter 1.23
Updated due to changed gz file layout
2-May-2017 OS Highways Converter 1.02
Bug fixes
2-May-2017 GridFactory 1.03
Updated to 64-bit
2-Apr-2017 OS Highways Converter 1.00
First release
16-Mar-2017 Website error
Website has not been working correctly for the past 24 hours. If you find any further errors, please let us know.
7-Mar-2017 RouteFinder 5.06 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
11-Feb-2017 Free OS Open Road dataset
Compiled and prepared for our products
9-Feb-2017 RW Studio 2
Beta 2
6-Feb-2017 RouteFinder 5.05 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
28-Jan-2017 RW Net 4.27
Support for Oracle, many other improvements
26-Jan-2017 TomTom Converter 1.44
Various fixes
4-Jan-2017 RW Studio 2 - beta test
We are looking for beta testers.
8-Nov-2016 RouteFinder 5.03 for MapInfo
A few bug fixes
28-Sep-2016 RouteFinder 5.02 for MapInfo
Now in a 32-bit version. Bugfixes too.
15-Aug-2016 RouteFinder 5.01 for MapInfo
Bug fixes
7-Aug-2016 RW Net 4.26
Mostly bug fixes and minor enhancements
26-Jun-2016 RouteFinder 5.00 for MapInfo
First 64-bit of RouteFinder for MapInfo
25-Apr-2016 RW Net 4.25
Support for PostGIS, many other improvements
29-Mar-2016 TomTom Converter 1.43
Extended output of turn restrictions
22-Mar-2016 ITN converter 1.21
Updated to better support RouteFinder 5
18-Jan-2016 RW Studio 1.06
Minor updates
7-Jan-2016 RW Net 4.24
Various new features, performance improvements and bug fixes
24-Nov-2015 RouteFinder 4.14
Various minor bug fixes
21-Oct-2015 RouteFinder 5 early beta
To be showcased here:
12. Nov, GeoDATA 2015, Edinburgh
3. Dec, GeoDATA 2015, London
7. Dec, MapInfo User Group Meeting, Copenhagen
9. Dec, MapInfo User Group Meeting, Aarhus
21-Oct-2015 RouteFinder 4.13
Various minor bug fixes
6-Oct-2015 RW Net 4.23
Lots of new features, performance improvements and bug fixes
21-Sep-2015 RouteFinder 5
Pre-release information about RouteFinder 5
28-Aug-2015 RouteFinder 4.12
Bug fixes
4-Jul-2015 RouteFinder 4.11
Bug fixes
9-Jun-2015 RouteFinder 4.10
Several new options and also some bug fixes. Still 32-bit only.
25-May-2015 RW Net 4.22
Fixes and updates
10-May-2015 FleetEngine 1.14 r3
Bug fix release
30-Apr-2015 64-bit Desktop applications
We are gradually moving to releasing our various desktop applications as 64-bit only. The OSM converter has been it for a while and now the Studio is also 64-bit. Next step is FleetEngine 2 and also RouteFinder 5.
30-Apr-2015 RW Studio 1.04
Updated, 64-bit only from now.
30-Apr-2015 TomTom converter
Minor update
18-Feb-2015 RW Net 4.21
Minor fixes and updates
13-Jan-2015 FleetEngine 1.14
With intelligent and automatic stopping criteria
13-Jan-2015 RouteFinder 4.04
Minor fixes
18-Dec-2014 ITN Converter 1.20
With support for mixing paths and complex turn restrictions
25-Nov-2014 RouteFinder 4.03
Minor fixes
30-Oct-2014 RW Net 4.20
Minor fixes and updates
20-Oct-2014 OSM Converter 1.10
Lots of new and improved features
14-Oct-2014 Agreement with Pitney Bowes
RouteWare have entered into an agreement with Pitney Bowes,
the company behind MapInfo Professional, to resell our RouteFinder application.
This will be as a white-labelled product, which is 99% the same as "our" RouteFinder.
It was previously announced at the partner conference in Memphis in June 2014
and there will also be a technical workshop around RouteFinder at their EMEA partner conference
in Amsterdam, this week. RouteWare shall also be present.
The actual launch will be quite soon, please see www.mapinfo.com for
To avoid any confusion: RouteWare shall keep developing and reselling RouteFinder.
This also do not affect any of our other products.
1-Oct-2014 MITAB 1.7.0c
With 19 new datums from MapInfo all up to version 12.5
29-Sep-2014 RouteFinder 4.02
Bug fixes
22-Sep-2014 RouteFinder 4.01
Bug fixes
21-Aug-2014 RW NetServer 3.22
With Python client and other minor updates
12-Jul-2014 RW Net 4.19
New platforms supported:
Silverlight, Delphi XE6, 64-bit MapInfo
1-Jul-2014 RouteFinder 4.00
Major new release !!
30-Apr-2014 ITN converter
Now with support for ferries
29-Apr-2014 MapInfo User Conference, Memphis
We are attending, please let us know if you want to meet.
27-Apr-2014 OSM Converter 1.08
With new options for tunnels, lanes, toll, ferries
22-Apr-2014 Meridian 2
Updated to Jan 2014 version
27-Feb-2014 RW Net 4.18
Improved performance for the .NET version.
Various other (bug)fixes.
25-Jan-2014 RW Net 4.17
GeoJSON and Mono/Android support
20-Jan-2014 RouteFinder 4 - beta 6
If you are interested in testing, please let us know.
12-Nov-2013 TomTom Converter
Free converter now available
28-Oct-2013 RW Net 4.16
Minor bug fixes, a few new functions and improvements.
24-Sep-2013 RW NetServer demo
Another online demo made available.
12-Sep-2013 GeoDATA / Mapping Showcase in London, 28-Nov.
We are exhibiting there and doing a MasterClass on FleetEngine too.
11-Sep-2013 FleetEngine 1.13
Mostly server bug fixes
14-Aug-2013 FleetEngine 1.12
Bug fixes
14-Aug-2013 RW Net 4.15
Mostly bug fixes and performance improvements
16-Jul-2013 FleetEngine demo
Our FleetEngine demo is finally available online, so you can try it for yourself.
27-Jun-2013 RouteFinder 3.74 for MapInfo
Bug fix release (user-interface related)
10-Jun-2013 RW Net 4.14
Python examples (QGIS, ArcGIS)
64-bit TAB support added
21-May-2013 FleetEngine 1.11
64-bit version
14-May-2013 RouteWare Studio 1.03
64-bit version added
14-May-2013 OSM Converter 1.07
Several performance improvements etc.
7-May-2013 RW Net 4.13
Bug fixes and performance improvements
12-Apr-2013 Roadmap
Updated roadmap
12-Apr-2013 OSM Danmark
Pre-konfigureret OpenStreetMap for Danmark (In Danish only)
21-Mar-2013 FleetEngine 1.10
Several new features and improvements
19-Mar-2013 RW Net 4.12
Web service samples, minimum spanning trees, weighted center of network etc.
21-Feb-2013 RW NetServer 3.21
Various fixes and minor improvements
12-Feb-2013 RW Net 4.11
DLL for MapBasic included, bug fixes etc.
11-Feb-2013 OSM converter 1.04
A few small fixes
8-Jan-2013 RW Net 4.10
Bug fix release
3-Dec-2012 RW Net 4.09
Now including RW Studio license, bug fixes etc.
18-Nov-2012 ITN Converter 1.15
A few bug fixes
12-Nov-2012 RW NetServer 3.20
Better logging facilities (for debugging)
25-Oct-2012 FleetEngine 1.09
A few new features and bug fixes.
24-Oct-2012 RouteWare Studio 1.00
This now replaces the older "Topology Checker" application.
22-Oct-2012 RouteFinder 3.73 for MapInfo
Bug fix release.
If you order RouteFinder after 1-Oct-2012, you will get a free upgrade to 4.00, when it is released
17-Oct-2012 RW Net 4.08
Faster TSP optimizations, several bug fixes
25-Sep-2012 FleetEngine 1.08
Bug fix release
24-Sep-2012 RouteWare Studio 0.08
First public beta version
7-Aug-2012 AGI Conference
We are exhibiting at the AGI conference in Nottingham, UK.
24-Jun-2012 OSM Converter 1.01
A few bug fixes
4-Jun-2012 RW Net 4.07
Various improvements, bug fixes, new functions
4-Jun-2012 FleetEngine 1.07
Major performance improvements
16-Apr-2012 RouteFinder Video
7 minute flash for quick introduction
22-Mar-2012 RW Net 4.06
Multi-threading added (really easy to use), cluster optimizing functions and more
20-Mar-2012 FleetEngine 1.06
Various minor updates, while we are working hard on a multi-threaded and faster version.
15-Feb-2012 Meridian 2
Has been updated to Jan 2012 release.
7-Feb-2012 Roadmap updated
(follow the link)
2-Feb-2012 Geospatial World Forum
We are exhibiting at this conference in Amsterdam. 24. - 26. April
30-Jan-2012 OSM Converter 1.00
First release !
16-Jan-2012 FleetEngine 1.05
With driving directions
7-Dec-2011 RW Net 4.05
Traffic assignment and ArcGIS sample. Bug fixes.
28-Nov-2011 FleetEngine 1.04
Bug fix release
9-Nov-2011 FleetEngine 1.03
Lots of new functionality:
Job priorities
Workload balancing
Standby Jobs
New viewer application
ArcGIS sample
and much more
18-Oct-2011 RW Net 4.04
Mostly bug fixes and some new platforms
16-Oct-2011 RW NetServer 3.19
Some bug fixes
16-Oct-2011 RW Net 2.44
Isochrone generation bug fix
16-Sep-2011 RW Net 4.03
Driving directions added and bug fixes
18-Aug-2011 FleetEngine 1.02
Performance improvements and bug fixes
18-Aug-2011 Roadmap updated
(follow the link)
11-Aug-2011 Open position
Position as GIS developer at RouteWare
10-Aug-2011 ToolBox for MapInfo
Source code made free too
8-Aug-2011 RouteFinder 3.72 for MapInfo
A few bugs fixed
28-Jul-2011 ITN Converter 1.12
With support for urban paths
27-Jul-2011 Workshop in Manchester
Due to high demand we are doing one in Manchester too
20-Jul-2011 Workshop in Birmingham
This is mostly about street data for use in the UK
18-Jul-2011 GIS in the Rockies
We are exhibiting together with Higher Mapping Solutions at GIS in the Rockies, Denver by the end of August. Please come and visit us.
18-Jun-2011 RW Net 4.02
Service area and drivetime isochrones added
10-May-2011 FleetEngine 1.01
Various bug fixing
11-Apr-2011 FleetEngine 1.00
Final release !
13-Mar-2011 FleetEngine beta version 5
With a lot of new features
7-Mar-2011 ITN converter 1.11
Several new functions
1-Feb-2011 Meridian 2 data updated
Based upon Jan 2011 release, urban zone information added.
30-Jan-2011 FleetEngine beta version 4
Release Candidate
25-Jan-2011 RW Net 4.01
Several isochrone functions added
5-Jan-2011 GEO-11
Meet us at GEO-11 in London, 6-7th of April
23-Dec-2010 FleetEngine beta version 3
Close to being ready for release
2-Dec-2010 RouteFinder 3.71 for MapInfo
Bing Maps support, a few bug fixes for Route Pair function. Online help added
11-Nov-2010 RW Net 2.43
WinCE support, some bug fixes, some improvements
4-Nov-2010 FleetEngine beta version 2
More complete documentation, samples etc.
27-Oct-2010 Blog
We have started a blog with more technical content
28-Sep-2010 RW Net 4.00 released
This major upgrade is now available. Licensed users will receive it very soon.
6-Sep-2010 FleetEngine beta version 1
We have sent out an EARLY beta version today. Contact us, if you want to try it.
30-Aug-2010 Visit us at this exhibition during Autumn 2010
Intergeo, Cologne, 5-7 Oct (hall 11.2, booth 2G.148)
30-Aug-2010 Roadmap update
FleetEngine status update
RW Net 4 beta 6 available for licensed users of RW Net Pro
30-Aug-2010 RW NetServer 3.18
Minor update
14-Jul-2010 10 Year Anniversary
Follow the link.....
1-Jul-2010 RW Net 4 beta available
For licensed users of RW Net Pro only
15-Jun-2010 RouteFinder 3.70 for MapInfo
Windows 7 support, a few new functions and bug fixes
7-Jun-2010 New free UK data
Meridian 2 has been made freely available from Ordnance Survey (United Kingdom). We have prepared a ready to use version.
2-Apr-2010 New developer at RouteWare
Keith Giddings has started and will be working on RW Net 4 and other projects
16-Mar-2010 Roadmap update
RW Net 4 demo 3 available
3-Feb-2010 RW NetServer 3.17
Minor update
26-Jan-2010 FleetEngine
Status updated
11-Nov-2009 RW Net 2.42
Bug fixes and a few new functions
1-Sep-2009 RW Net 2.41
Bug fixes, Delphi 2009 & 2010 support, Updated & on-line help
14-Aug-2009 Visit us at this exhibition during Autumn 2009
Intergeo, Karlsruhe, 22-24 Sep (booth 4.628)
8-Jul-2009 RouteFinder 3.62 for MapInfo
Mainly bug fixes
26-Jun-2009 FleetEngine
Beta 2 is available
2-Jun-2009 FleetEngine
Beta 1 is available
27-Mar-2009 Updated roadmap & demo
RW Net 4 demo available
20-Mar-2009 RW NetServer 3.16
Minor update
19-Mar-2009 RW Net 2.40
Some performance improvements and bug fixes
10-Dec-2008 Christmas competition
And you can win something.....
10-Dec-2008 RouteFinder 3.61 for MapInfo
Mainly bug fixes
9-Dec-2008 ITN Converter 1.09
Settings stored in INI file
20-Nov-2008 RW NetServer 3.15
Additional POI functionality, engine bug fixes etc
20-Nov-2008 RW Net 2.39
Minor update
23-Oct-2008 RouteFinder 3.60 for MapInfo
Several new functions (Z-levels, maximum weight limits etc), but also a few bug fixes
2-Sep-2008 RW Net 2.38
Minor update
4-Aug-2008 Roadmap
Roadmap available
17-Jun-2008 RW NetServer 3.14
Several improvements:
Additional POI functionality, new sample codes etc
6-Apr-2008 RouteFinder 3.50 for MapInfo
Bug fix release, a few new functions
10-Mar-2008 Visit us at these exhibitions during Autumn 2008
Intergeo, Bremen, 30 Sep - 2 Oct
ESRI EMEA, London, 28 Oct - 30 Oct
23-Feb-2008 RW Net 2.37 with several new functions
Point-Of-Interest in driving directions
Verification of hierarchical attributes
Various improvements and bug fixes
22-Feb-2008 RouteFinder for MapInfo in Fire Station Planning
Read this interesting article from Holland
13-Nov-2007 RW Net prices
Prices for RW Net will be adjusted from 1-1-2008
22-Oct-2007 RW NetServer 3.13
Support for PHP 5, TAB support in linux version, POI lists, bug fixes etc.
20-Oct-2007 RW Net 2.36
Full .NET 2 support, several new functions and a few bug fixes
12-Oct-2007 ITN Converter 1.08
Support for vehicle types and vehicle use
18-Sep-2007 Visit us at this exhibition during Autumn 2007
Intergeo, Leipzig, 25-27 Sep (booth B1.213)
11-Jun-2007 RouteFinder 3.00 for ArcGIS
New major release
6-Jun-2007 RW Net 2.35
Several new functions, but also some bug fixes
15-May-2007 RW NetServer 3.12
New functions and also some bug fixes
16-Apr-2007 ITN Converter 1.07
A bug fix and some new functionality
18-Feb-2007 RW NetServer 3.11
Primarily a bug fix release
5-Feb-2007 RW Net 2.34
Primarily a bug fix release
18-Nov-2006 RW Net 2.33
KML (Google Earth) added as output format,
New functionality for turn restrictions,
A few bug fix'es etc.
2-Oct-2006 ITN Converter 1.06
Support for change only updates & more - get this update!
26-Sep-2006 New reseller
Signum, Canada has joined as reseller
23-Sep-2006 RW Net 2.32
New functionality + a few bug fix'es
21-Sep-2006 RouteFinder 3.41 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
22-Aug-2006 ITN Converter 1.05
Support for mandatory turns
21-Aug-2006 Visit us at these exhibitions during Autumn 2006:
AGI, London, 12-14 Sep (booth 46)
Intergeo, Munich, 10-12 Oct (booth C3.3045)
15-Aug-2006 RouteFinder 3.40 for MapInfo
New functionality + a few bug fix'es
29-Jun-2006 New article
22-Jun-2006 RW Net 2.31
Primarily bug fixes
22-Jun-2006 RW NetServer 3.10 released
New functionality, bug fixes etc.
8-Jun-2006 New downloads
New documents about how to use NavTeq and TeleAtlas data with our software
6-Apr-2006 RW NetServer 3.06 released
Bug fixes primarily
4-Apr-2006 RW Net 2.30
Routing with curb approach and a few bug fixes
1-Apr-2006 New resellers
DBx Geomatics, Canada and Freche Lösungen, Germany has joined as resellers
15-Mar-2006 RW NetServer 3.05 released
New functionality
12-Mar-2006 ITN Converter 1.04
Significantly faster and bugs corrected
6-Mar-2006 The free TIGER converter has been updated
Support for output to SHP, TAB and GML2 has been added.
23-Feb-2006 New product: Topology Checker
For batch checking of topology in street networks.
18-Feb-2006 New reseller
Critchlow, New Zealand has become reseller for our products.
16-Feb-2006 RW Net 2.29
Now with hierarchical routing - much FASTER !
17-Jan-2006 RouteFinder 3.32 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
8-Dec-2005 RW NetServer 3.00 released
Major release, lots of new stuff !
25-Nov-2005 RouteFinder 3.31 for MapInfo
A single bug fix
16-Nov-2005 RW Net 2.28
New VRP functionality and a few bug fixes
14-Nov-2005 Beta testing of RW NetServer 3 has started
6-Nov-2005 RouteFinder 3.30 for MapInfo
Various bug fixes + speed improvements
13-Oct-2005 RouteWare exhibits at the AGI 2005 conference, London, 8-10th of November
Come and meet us at stand 28
2-Oct-2005 New reseller
Marketing Map, Belgium has become reseller for our products.
12-Sep-2005 RouteWare exhibits at the Intergeo conference, Düsseldorf, 4-6th of October
Come and meet us at stand B 3.222
8-Sep-2005 RW Net 2.27
Primarily a bug fix release
1-Aug-2005 RouteWare celebrates 5 year anniversary
1-Aug-2005 RW NetServer 3 pre-release information
14-Jul-2005 ITN Converter 1.02
Minor update
7-Jul-2005 Brochures
We have added brochures for RW Net/NetServer - see download section
22-Jun-2005 RW Net 2.26
Several new functions to make "life" easier when using RW Net
20-Jun-2005 RW NetServer CORBA 1.00
Linux version is also ready
16-Jun-2005 RouteFinder 3.20 for MapInfo
Bug fixes + support for Capita EMS system
13-Jun-2005 New reseller
COWI, Denmark has become reseller for our products.
11-Jun-2005 RouteFinder 3 for ArcGIS
We have made available some pre-release information on this next major release
12-May-2005 New reseller
G.I.M, Belgium has become reseller for our products.
5-May-2005 RW NetServer CORBA 1.00
Release of new product !
5-May-2005 RW NetServer 2.74
Minor upgrade
1-May-2005 New associate: Kim Madsen
We are happy to welcome Kim Madsen at RouteWare
18-Apr-2005 RW Net 2.25
Primarily bug fixes
20-Feb-2005 ITN Converter
ITN converter now available - free
18-Feb-2005 RW Net 2.24
Now with built-in driving directions and GML 2 support
10-Feb-2005 RouteFinder 3.10 for MapInfo
New functions + bug fixes
10-Feb-2005 RW NetServer CORBA
Product plan announcement
31-Jan-2005 New reseller
Value Lab, Italy has become reseller for our products.
19-Jan-2005 RouteFinder 1.04 for ArcGIS
Now with support for French ArcGIS 9
5-Jan-2005 RouteFinder 3.03 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
6-Dec-2004 RouteFinder 3.02 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
2-Dec-2004 RW Net v2.23
.NET support and a few bug fixes.
25-Nov-2004 RW NetServer v2.73
Bug fix release
4-Nov-2004 RouteFinder 3.01 for MapInfo
Bug fix release
2-Nov-2004 ToolBox 1.07 is now free
22-Oct-2004 RouteFinder 1.03 for ArcGIS
Now with support for both ArcGIS 8.x and 9.x !
22-Oct-2004 RW Net in a .NET version
Registered users can request a copy now. Will be fully included in next major release.
14-Oct-2004 European Conference for ESRI Users
RouteWare will have a booth there, so please pay us a visit (8th-10th of Nov 2004, Copenhagen).
12-Oct-2004 New reseller
Dotted Eyes, UK becomes reseller for RouteFinder.
5-Oct-2004 RouteFinder 3.00 for MapInfo
Major release with lots of new functionality.
28-Sep-2004 RW NetServer v2.72
Support for windows 2003, encryption, bug fixes etc.
23-Sep-2004 RW Net v2.22
New facilities include encryption and bugs fixes.
2-Sep-2004 Beta testing of RW Net in .NET version
Please let us know, if you want to test it.
24-Aug-2004 New MapXtreme Demo Site
16-Jun-2004 New website layout
2-Jun-2004 RW Net v2.21
New and better asymmetric TSP method available and bugs fixed.
17-Mar-2004 Lots of news:
RW Net 2.20 has been released
RouteFinder 3 for MapInfo internal beta process started
RouteFinder 3 cross-upgrade offer: 50% off of list prices until 1 month after release of RouteFinder 3 or at least until 30 June 2004.
Just present us with a proof of ownership of a competing product (RouteView Pro, etc.) and you will qualify for the lower price. This is a one-time offer.
14-Feb-2004 New reseller
Europa Technologies becomes reseller for RouteFinder.
4-Feb-2004 Article on RW NetServer
Read this article about how RW NetServer is used in Switzerland.
29-Dec-2003 RW Net v2.19
CPP optimization now possible.
Support for limiting a route to links where high/heavy/wide vehicles can pass.
27-Oct-2003 New reseller
GisItalia becomes reseller for RouteFinder For ArcGIS 8
13-Oct-2003 New reseller
ESRI France becomes reseller for RouteFinder For ArcGIS 8
13-Sep-2003 RouteFinder For ArcGIS 8 v1.02
Bug fix release
27-Aug-2003 RW Net v2.18
Isochrones now possible with dynamic segmentation
Districting methods such as for schools is also new
No limit on list lengths anymore
24-Aug-2003 Updates of several parts of website
7-July-2003 RW Net v2.17
Much improved documentation and new functions again
15-June-2003 Free TIGER2MIF application released
15-June-2003 Academic prices added
5-May-2003 RouteFinder For ArcGIS 8 v1.01
Bug fix release
5-May-2003 ToolBox 1.06 for MapInfo
With a few new functions.
30-Mar-2003 RW Net v2.16
With more functions for dynamic segmentation and bug fixes
2-Mar-2003 RouteFinder For ArcGIS 8 v1.00
First version finally released
3-Feb-2003 RouteFinder For MapInfo v2.02
Bug fix release (requires new licence file)
20-Jan-2003 New on-line demo of RW NetServer
Now MapServer based.
19-Jan-2003 RW Net v2.15
With Kylix 3 support and bug fixes
18-Jan-2003 Change of currency
From 1st February all prices will be in Euro instead of US$.
As an example: 500 US$ becomes 500 Euro. This change has become necessary due to the recent
fall in the value of the US$.
7-Jan-2003 RW GeoCoder v1.00
29-Nov-2002 RouteFinder For MapInfo 2.01
Bug fix release
17-Nov-2002 RW Geocoder 0.3
First public beta available
12-Oct-2002 RouteFinder 2.00 for MapInfo
After being released in Cardiff, Wales (9th October), it is now also available at the website.
12-Oct-2002 RW Net 2.14
Many new functions added and some bug fixes.
17-Sep-2002 RW NetServer 2.5
New features: Generated routes can now be saved as native TAB/SHP/MIF files for fast display.
Isochrones are also now possible and the route descriptions have been improved.
15-Jul-2002 RW Net 2.13
Now with full support for native TAB file output.
RouteWare signs strategic agreement with CartoWorld.
30-Apr-2002 RW Net 2.12
Improved isochrones (Native SHP output!), bug fixes and a few new functions.
31-Mar-2002 RW NetServer 2.4 and RW Net 2.11
RW NetServer now has dynamic segmentation
RW Net now supports C++ Builder and a few bugs have been corrected.
18-Feb-2002 RW Net 2.10
New functions, speed improvement for turn restrictions and a few minor bugs fixed.
17-Jan-2002 RW Net 2.09
10% overall speed improvement and a few minor bugs fixed.
9-Jan-2002 ToolBox 1.04
Now with map coloring.
9-Dec-2001 RW Net 2.08
A few new functions aimed at creating driving directions.
28-Nov-2001 ToolBox 1.03
ToolBox has been updated with better documentation.
7-Nov-2001 RW Net 2.07
Active-X bug corrected and better support for arcview 3.x.
14-Oct-2001 RW Net 2.06
New version with dynamic segmentation and a few other improvements.
10-Oct-2001 RW NetServer on Java
A new section has been added about accessing RW NetServer from Java.
22-Sep-2001 ToolBox 1.02
ToolBox has been updated: The former Voronoi tool is now part of ToolBox.
31-July-2001 RW Net 2.05 Active-X
RW Net 2.05 has been released as Active-X.
21-July-2001 RW Net 2.05
RW Net 2.05 has been released with a lot of new features, mostly related to isochrone generation.
Assignment and RouteVia are also new functions.
At the same time Delphi 6 and Kylix (= Delphi for Linux) editions are now available.
9-July-2001 RW NetServer is on-line
RW NetServer can now be tested on-line
15-June-2001 RW Net 2.04, RW NetServer 2.2 & RouteFinder 1.02
A few new functions in RW Net and change to binary format.
The maximum number of links has been increased to 16,000,000 links.
RW NetServer has been extended with more functionality from RW Net.
Various smaller problems have been corrected in RouteFinder.
30-May-2001 RW Net 2.03
Bug corrected in creation of networks for certain special TAB files.
27-May-2001 Voronoi for MapInfo
New MapInfo tool for triangulation and calculation of Voronoi diagrams.
(Now part of ToolBox)
14-May-2001 RW Net 2.02
Various minor improvements: Best node when the true node cannot be found, support for new coordinate systems,
new TSP option etc. No bugs reported/corrected.
29-Apr-2001 RW NetServer 2.0
Version 2.0 is a major upgrade compared to version 1.x.
24-Apr-2001 ToolBox 1.0
RouteWare's popular tools have been made available as "ToolBox" which is now shareware. See download section.
8-Apr-2001 RW NetServer 2.0
Pre-release information is available for version 2.0 of RW NetServer.
5-Apr-2001 RouteFinder 1.0 and TIGER/Line 2000
RouteFinder 1.0 has finally been launched.
TIGER/Line is now available, ready to be used in MapInfo and RouteFinder.
5-Mar-2001 RW Net 2.01
Bug has been corrected in function Route/RouteFind. No new functionality.
27-Feb-2001 Lots of news:
RW Net 2.00: Now with turn restrictions and a few other new functions.
More RouteFinder information available.
Prices for RW Net has been updated to better reflect the wishes of developers.
The website has been re-organized slighty - price information has been moved to each product.
You can now also find RouteWare at www.routeware.co.uk and www.routeware.net (same content).
21-Jan-2001 RW Net 1.08
3 bugs have been corrected in function IsoGrid, OptimumAlpha and TSP. No new functionality.
The speed comparison with Network Analyst (ESRI) has been extended to include the basic routing function.
7-Jan-2001 Simplify 1.0
Free mapbasic program added for removing unneccesary nodes from objects.
29-Dec-2000 RW NetServer 1.1
The COM server has been extended with multi-threading capabilities for improved performance on multi-processor web-servers.
A simple client has also been added.
21-Dec-2000 RW Net 1.07
New function IsoGrid and demo application has been updated.
Facility analysis now also included with standard licence.
23-Nov-2000 RW Net 1.06
Most important new feature in 1.06 is ready-to-run sample code for ArcView. This has been on the to-do list for a long time !
The travelling salesman function now allows for non-round trip optimization and duplicate nodes entered in the node-list.
8-Nov-2000 RW NetServer
RW NetServer now also includes a COM based server for use in combination with ASP, ColdFusion, etc. Source code and examples included !
5-Nov-2000 RW Net 1.05
RW Net now allows for deleted records in input files and mixed object types are also allowed. You will also find a few other minor changes.
10-Oct-2000 RouteFinder beta-version
RouteFinder is a new product for point-and-click routing in MapInfo. Click here to read more about it.
8-Oct-2000 RW Net 1.04
Now with direct support of TAB-files: No need to export to MIF format. Also some more new functions: Detect unused links, compute optimum value of
alpha, Network creation from SHP-files now only 40% of former execution time.
20-Sep-2000 RW Net 1.03
RW Net has been updated: Better TSP function, support of all MapInfo supported coordinate systems, limit on
valency virtually removed (now allows 1900 links at every node, used to be max. 15), can create networks directly
from SHP-files. Two bugs have also been removed.
6-Sep-2000 TAB2MIF and RW Net 1.02
A new tool TAB2MIF can be found on the download page. RW Net has been updated due to a bug introduced in 1.01.
2-Sep-2000 RW NetServer released
A licence for RW Net on the internet is ready. The standard licence has also been updated to reflect this.
31-Aug-2000 RW Net 1.01 released
RW Net has now reached version 1.01, including some improvements on file-reading and the
correction of a few bugs.
6-Aug-2000 RW RouteServer early beta
RouteWare announces a web-application (RW RouteServer), which can be used to
give route-directions to customers, etc. See Try it on-line.
RW Net has now reached version 1.0 and beta period has ended. You will find a lot of improvements in the final version
and some more functionality has also sneaked its way into the free edition.
21-June-2000 Lots of news:
• RW Net Beta version has been extended to 31-July-2000. Go to the download page to try it
• A few free utilities have also been added: Location of facilities and Quickhull for MapInfo
• RouteWare has moved to a new and faster web-server
13-June-2000 Lots of news:
• RW Net Beta version finally available.
• "Travelling salesman" algorithm has been added to RW Net
• Polygon based isochrones are now available in RW Net
• The demo has been updated to show the new facilities
• Source code now included
21-May-2000 Info about RW Net released
The release date for RW Net is still expected to be 1. July 2000.
10-May-2000 RW Net Demo added
The progress of RW Net is going steady and an early demo has been added to the homepage.
27-Apr-2000 Complete redesign of homepage
RouteWare has completely redesigned its homepage in order to better reflect some of the new products
which are in the pipeline. Please check out RW Net.
7-July-1999 First edition of www.routeware.dk