Route Pairs by Coordinate |
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Go to Batch > Route Pairs by Coordinate
This function will allow routes to be generated between two points defined as coordinates in one table, using the same coordinates as the roads table.
For instance if you have a table with two sets of coordinates like this:
When you select Route Pairs by Coordinate you are prompted to select the table to use and the columns you want to use to produce a route between:
This function requires suitable columns in your table to hold the result. If they are not present then you will be asked permission to add these columns.
Press OK to continue the process.
You can also decide to not build the mappable routes. This option runs more quickly and will create a smaller route results table.
If you do select this option, you will be prompted to make the table mappable, if it is not already mappable.
After processing if you have asked for routes to be produced, you will be asked if you want to see them on the map:
Finally a browser is displayed with the result.