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This is the user interface of the converter application:



You should point to the folder with your input files.


Paths, turn restrictions and ferries are all optional in the processing.


Loop links should be split to be used with RW Net 4, RouteFinder 5-6, RW Studio and FleetEngine.


When links are split according to either vehicle restrictions, loop links or paths, the TOID gets appended with "_x", where x = 1, 2 etc.

Turn restrictions are updated similarly with correct reference(s).


Tracks can be included (excluded by default).


Speed information


Speed information can be joined to the output, if you have one of these files:




The file with average speeds is in km/h, but is converted to mph in the application.

The file with speed limits is already in mph.


If you choose SHP as output format, field names are replaced with shorter ones, to fit with the max 10 character field name width.



Either Roads only or Rrami data. Do not add both kinds of files for the same area or you get duplicates in the output / errors.


The application looks for these files, where ??? is 001, 002 etc:














Keyword INITIAL above may be replaced by FULL.


COU files should be stored in sub folders below the main folder.

Create a folder COU1 for the first set of files, COU2 for the next set etc.















You can only process data for ONE area at a time. This can be a single subset or a full supply for Great Britain.



"Highways" layer. It can be generated in one of several formats: MIF, SHP, TAB, TABx or GML2.


Slope is in %, 0-99, where 99 equals 45 degree or more.

Elevation is in meters, total along the link.

These are calculated in both directions.


Output - Turn restrictions


These gets generated in a file called turn.txt, which uses TOID as a reference field.


If path files / split loop links are used too, the TOID's has added an _N, with values 1..N, for every subsection of the link.


The file format is supported by:

RouteFinder 5-6 for MapInfo


RW Studio 2

RW Net 4.x


Also supported, but ignores complex turn restrictions:

RW Net 2.42

RouteFinder 4 for MapInfo

RW NetServer 3.12 - 3.22