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Same method as MatrixDynOut, just with positions instead of locations.

This means you should use the coordinate of TLocationList items, rather than the locations.


It also adds an additional parameter offroadspeed (km/h), which allow you to include the offroad part in the output. If speed=0, then it is skipped.


Another additional parameter is skiplinkbit which determines if the skiplinkbit from the attribute field, is used in the spatial search.


If nearestopen is "active" for a specific element (i.e. another element is used as the starting point, rather than the nearest), then the offroad part is skipped.


If you set MaxCost, it is used as a filter on the output (but it doesn't go faster).


If the position for two elements in LL1 and LL2 is the same, then the distance etc. becomes 0, even if offroad speed is defined.


Syntax: MatrixPOut(filename: string; GF: TGISformat; LL1, LL2: TLocationList; SL1, SL2: TStringList; dist, time, cost, directdist, symmetric, routeobject, nearestopen: boolean; offroadspeed: double; skiplinkbit: boolean)