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This will identify neighbouring links and join them in groups. The grouping can be defined by setting 3 parameters, where at least one of them need to be <> "ignore":



0: Ignore it

1: Connected

2: Intersection to intersection (intersection: Node with degree >= 3)

3: Intersection to intersection, but ignoring cul-de-sac links



0: Ignore roadname

N: Split when roadname changes



False: Ignore attributes

True: Split according to attributes


Result is stored in IA array: Indices with the same value belong to the same group.

Result can also be written to a TGISwrite output, if filename is specified. If GF = gfArray, just set filename to something.


Using parameter combination (0,0,false) is not allowed, since it would join ALL links into one large object.


When using topology=2, joins that would result in loops, are avoided.


Normally it used with these parameters, when the output is to be used for routing:

Topology = 2

RoadfileID >0, if the network is to be used with driving directions.

Attributes = true.


If turn restrictions are defined, they are exported to a file with ".turn" as extension with the updated link ID's as reference.


Syntax: Join(filename: string; GF: TGISformat; topology,RoadFileID: integer; attributes: boolean; var IA: TIntegerArray)