Job Interval

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This allows you to define that 2 jobs should be in a specific order:


<First> and then <Second>. No matter which resource period, they are assigned to.


Furthermore it can be specified how many minutes they should be apart.

You can define an optimal level and minimum / maximum.


If you define cost, the optimizer will try to get closer to optimal. Cost is measured per minute and is usually a fairly small number.


If cost is 0, there is no need to specify optimum.


This can be used to plan for visiting a customer every N days. An example with twice a year:


Job1: Use time window = Jan - June

Job2: Use time window = July - December


First = Job1

Second = Job2

MinInterval = 182 * 24 * 60 * (0.9) = 235872

MaxInterval = 182 * 24 * 60 * (1.1) = 288288

OptimalInterval = 182 * 24 * 60 = 262080

Cost = 0.01 (or 14.4 units for every day)


This keeps the 2 visits 6 months +/- 10% apart.